System Maps
Effective August 2024
Bus Routes
Night Owl Routes
Interested in knowing if AppalCART comes to a specific location? Need to know if one of our routes comes to your location? Use our real-time app on your phone - the TransLoc app is available on Google Play and Apple App Stores. Visit our Live Transit page for more information. If you do not have a smartphone to use the app, use Google Maps. See below for more information.
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Break Schedule Routes
Effective August 2024
Break Schedule Routes operate during ASU Winter, Summer, and Holiday Breaks
Night Owl Routes
Maps effective as of July 2021
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Using Google Maps to Find a Route
If you are unable to use our latest real-time app, you can still find if a route comes near you or determine which route to take by using Google Maps.
The following example is from using Google Maps on a desktop computer. Please note this is an example and the times resulting below will need to be checked for the current day.
Search for a location on Google Maps

Select Directions

You can also search for a Starting and Destination location and enter a request for directions.

Change the Option to the Transit Option - select the Bus icon to view which AppalCART stops and routes are available.

The results will appear on your screen that shows the different route possibilities.
Please note the following images are an example. The times that are shown below may not reflect the current bus status. For the most accurate results, search Google Maps for the current day or view our latest updated route maps above.

A map will appear on the right side of the screen that shows the routes.
Similar results appear if you are using Google Maps on your phone.
Search for a location on your phone and enter the Destination location you are looking for.

The results will show a map on your screen along with the possible transit modes that are available and the corresponding times.
Select the Bus icon to view AppalCART routes that are available.
The results will appear on your screen that shows the different route possibilities.
Please note the following images are an example. The times that are shown below may not reflect the current bus status. For the most accurate results, search Google Maps for the current day or view our latest updated route maps above.